Our Policies
Accept The Law
Kılıç Tekstil acts in accordance with the laws and regulations on all matters within its field of activity, as well as the policies and working principles published by the Company’s Board of Directors. It establishes, records and reports the necessary systems for keeping all activities and legal records in accordance with the law and completely. It is based on the fact that the contracts made with other persons and organizations are in accordance with the law and the Code of Ethics, are clear and understandable. It takes measures to prevent any employee from attempting to commit the company, except those authorized in accordance with the principles and limits specified in the signature circular or the relevant special authorization document.
For Kılıç Tekstil, ensuring the full satisfaction of our internal and external customers, observing the highest moral values in all decisions and relations, constantly reviewing and improving every work done to improve, adapting to changing technology and all other conditions are indispensable elements of quality management. In line with the continuous improvement approach, it is aimed to increase productivity at all stages of the production process and to ensure the continuity of customer satisfaction with the responsibility and awareness brought by being customer-centered. In order to deliver the products to the customer on time, with high quality and reasonable price policy, it is our main priority to carry out an error-free and meticulous work from the first stage of production to the last stage.
Kılıç Tekstil is based on mutual information and listening in communication. It creates an environment where everyone can express their thoughts clearly at all levels of the organizations to be held. It does not discriminate against its employees in terms of language, religion, race, sect, national origin, gender, political opinion. Employees cannot be discriminated against or punished for these reasons. The company takes care to provide equal opportunities for both recruitment and career development, without discriminating among employees, and pays attention to employing a suitable number of personnel for the workload. shows maximum effort. Based on the principle of managing human resources in the best way, it provides training, courses, seminars and similar opportunities for its employees to reach the level of knowledge required by the era and the profession.
It is forbidden to employ our children, who are the future of our country, within our company without completing their compulsory education.
Kılıç Tekstil adopts anti-bribery and anti-corruption policies. It is absolutely unacceptable to take or give bribes, regardless of their purpose.
Kılıç Tekstil applies a disciplinary regulation for those who act in violation of the employment contract and company regulations, do not perform their professional duties, or do not behave in accordance with the meticulousness required by their duties. In our company, the relevant application is carried out by the disciplinary committee formed by the board of directors.
Kılıç Tekstil establishes a system that will answer all kinds of questions of its customers arising from the services provided and informs its customers about this service. It investigates the causes of customer complaints and takes the necessary measures to prevent the repetition of justified complaints. It informs its Employees in order to correct the erroneous practices that cause complaints and to prevent their recurrence.
We aim to prioritize the health and safety of our employees, who add value to our business with their efforts and efforts, and that people are at the center of the era of development and transformation we live in. By complying with all regulations and contracts related to Occupational Health and Safety, we try to minimize work accidents and occupational diseases. In order to make our employees conscious about occupational health and safety and to raise awareness, our employees are encouraged to participate in the training at periodic intervals. The Occupational Health and Safety Board has been established in order to ensure that the working conditions in our workplace comply with the laws. The OHS board monitors the working conditions at periodic meetings and makes necessary recommendations to the management.
Kılıç Tekstil pays attention to support social and cultural activities in the light of the principles of observing the social benefit and respecting the environment, as well as profitability in all its activities. It carries out its activities by prioritizing the environment and ecological values. The wastes generated during our activities are separated and sent for recycling. In order to raise awareness of the employees about the environment, their participation in periodic trainings is ensured. In order to determine the possible damages of the company to the environment, environmental dimension analysis was performed and possible damages were determined and precautions were taken.
Kılıç Tekstil and its employees act with the awareness that the financial and trade secrets of Kılıç Tekstil, information that will weaken its competitiveness, personnel rights and information, and agreements with business partners are within the framework of “confidentiality” and fulfill all requirements for the protection and confidentiality of these. The information learned by business cannot be shared with unauthorized persons and authorities inside or outside the institution, for any purpose, or used for speculative or profit-making purposes.
First of all, Kılıç Tekstil aims to take steps that will positively affect economic development, human life and environmental balance, along with social, economic and ecological dimensions, by considering the society we live in and our country. In this context, Kılıç Tekstil has a sustainability policy with an awareness of economic, social and environmental responsibility.